Say-what-You-See and Can Do in the Snow

Say-what-You-See in the Photo
Snow does not look like spring but putting on your red winter coat and boots and going for a run in the cold, white snow is a lot of fun if you are only one year old. If your daddy takes a stick to write your name in the snow, he can sound out the letters in the snow. T E R R A are the letters of your name. If you fall down in the snow, the snow will feel cold and wet. Maybe you will have so much fun in the soft spring snow, you will hope for one more snow before the warmth of spring comes. Moms can show and talk about photos to a one year old. Naming what a child was doing in the photo is a fun way to repeat the vocabulary and it teaches her the difference between a photo and the real experience. A photo of snow looks like snow, but it is not soft or cold. The letters of your name in a photo don’t sound like your name unless your mama reads them again.